
7 best practices for writing headings of posts & email

These 7 best practices for writing headings of posts & email will definitely ensure increased SEO rankings, higher click ratios and also higher open rates.

Why should we use headings?

Headings help users and search engines to read and understand text. For example, they act as signposts for the readers and make it easier for them to figure out what a post or page is about. Headings also help readers to understand the important parts your content and show how they’re interconnected (https://yoast.com/how-to-use-headings-on-your-site/).

Do headings help in SEO?

Using headings creates texts of higher quality that are also easier to read. A better text is better for users, which is better for your SEO. To put it short, search engines, and Google, in particular, love and appreciate headings. Search engines use headings to identify the most relevant parts of your posts, as well as indexing the general structure and content of your site or blog page.

7 best practices for writing headings of posts & email

I have listed down the 7 Best practices for writing Headings – SEO:-

  1. Use of Numbers

Use of numbers quantifies your offering / message. Studies prove that numbers connect better with a reader as compared to qualitative offerings. As an example, consider “7 ways to grow your business” to “grow your business faster” or ” Increase your Business 3 times” to “increase your business many folds”. You will agree that the headlines with numbers in the preceding examples will appeal more than the following qualitative ones https://www.udemy.com/course/learn-digital-marketing-course.

2. Start with “How to_______ Without / Even if_______?

Mostly people may know “how to” do a thing. However, adding “Without / Even if” followed by a common obstacle addresses a specific obstacle that they would have faced while following the method. It gives a reader a solution rather than just stating an existing pain point that serves them better and intrigues to read further.

3. Flag a Common Mistake

Flagging a common mistake invokes interest in the reader to know what others are doing wrong and whether they have fallen prey to one of them. In addition, the post can be used as a ready reckoner by readers to identify mistakes that are to be avoided in future. Example: Are you making these 5 common mistakes in SEO?

4. Use Specific headlines

What do you want to communicate to a reader? A headline that clearly brings out the communication is a must for invoking interest in the audience.

5. Use Brevity

Google or other search engines truncate most of the headlines / Subject matter after 60 words. Make sure that the important matter that you want to communicate is in first 60 words. A wordy headline will lose interest of the reader or more importantly wont be available in the shortened display of mail boxes or headlines of search. Also read https://ilizien.com/the-importance-of-digital-marketing-seo-smm/

6. Use Images

Use of image is highly recommended, if applicable as it makes a post an interesting read. In addition, and saves a reader from the monotony of reading text. A picture speaks a thousand words they say!

7. Ask a Question followed by the main content of the Post / Mail

Use of a Question leading to the main content of a post or email amplifies the topic further. A Example of this is – Are you following the best practices in SEO? Find out the 7 best ways to improve your SEO ranking.

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