Software Solutions



What is “ILIZIEN.COM – SEO Guide for 2021” all about? I consider myself to be a beginner into the world of SEO and digital marketing. I have tried to address the two main pain points of beginners’ entering the domain of SEO. They are firstly not being very conversant with…

Basics of SEO – For Beginners

Basics of SEO – For Beginners The internet is flooded with 100-to-200-point checklists for SEO. To be honest, as a SEO beginner, I found these lists too overwhelming and difficult to understand leave aside follow them in totality. After being in this field for a while, I thought of writing…


What is Brand Management? Brand Management through digital marketing is the way forward with best RoI and ROAS for industries to increase brand awareness and brand equity The term ‘Brand Management’ is not merely “The Activity of Supervising the Promotion of a Particular Brand of Goods” as the dictionary would…

What is SEO? How does One Optimize a Webpage for SEO

This post highlights What is SEO and How does Optimize A Webpage For SEO  When we search in a search engine like Google, we basically search the index of Google. This is true for any content management site and social media site. The words or phrases we type (known as…

7 best practices for writing headings of posts & email

7 best practices for writing headings of posts & email

These 7 best practices for writing headings of posts & email will definitely ensure increased SEO rankings, higher click ratios and also higher open rates. Why should we use headings? Headings help users and search engines to read and understand text. For example, they act as signposts for the readers…

The Importance of Digital Marketing : SEO & SMM

This article highlights ‘The Importance of Digital Marketing : SEO & SMM’. It is widely known, “Marketing embeds your product in the mind of a prospective client”. The stronger is the imprint, the likelier it is that the buyer will choose your product over your competitor’s. It is rightly said…

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